Crumb Rubber is the result of the third station in the LIKE recycling line. At this stage, wire-free rubber mulch is processed into a uniform granule with all steel and fiber removed. Crumb Rubber is typically found in 3/8” – 400 microns (0.400 mm) in size.
The rubber crumb plant is proven to convert whole scrap tires into high quality, uncontaminated crumb rubber. This plant is designed to process from 300kgs to 4 tons an hour in capacity and process 1-6mm crumb rubber.
LIKE’s equipment allows the customer to adjust the shredding screens for precise sizing control and flexibility for output sizes. The crumb rubber system also utilize a variety of conveying and separation technologies to minimize product losses, maximize efficiency and maintain a clean operating environment.
Who doesn’t like a smoother, safer and quieter ride? Crumb rubber can comprise 15-22% of the mix in rubberized asphalt for highway construction. Rubberized asphalt highways reduce tire noise, last longer from improved resistance to cracking and rutting, and use significantly less paving material than traditional asphalt.
Rain or shine, a recreational field using crumb rubber infill is always ready for action. Crumb rubber enhances the performance of a variety of playing and sports surfaces, including sports fields, running tracks and equestrian surfaces. Crumb rubber adds impact-absorbing cushioning to protect athletes and children. Surfaces incorporating crumb rubber dry quickly, drain excess moisture, reduce dust and mud, and minimize freezing.
The rubber powder plant is designed to convert whole scrap tires into high quality, uncontaminated rubber powder. This plant can produce rubber powder from 500kgs to 5 tons an hour in capacity and the powder size can be as fine as 120mesh adjusted by centrifugal screen.
Crumb rubber is made by reducing scrap tires into small, uniform granules. Inherent reinforcing materials, such as steel and fiber, are removed, along with other types of inert contaminants, such as dust, glass or rock.